Recycled Souls Project
Who are we and what do we do?
We are a Christ centered 501c3 Nonprofit Organization that is working to solve the problems that are affecting America.
To include but not limited to; Homelessness, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Mental Illness, Trauma Medical Rehabilitation, Job Training and Education.
How can the problem be solved?
We agree the task at hand does not have a simple solution as the issues driving the factors that lead to the challenges are diverse, complex and deeply rooted into the soul, society and the individuals whom are affected.
We believe that with the assistance of the Eternal Father, through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, these lost souls can be “Recycled Souls”. What society has labeled as “trash that litters the streets”, we see as valuable, undiscovered “Gold Nuggets” that can be recycled into fully functional souls that contribute to society.
In our studies and experiences with other organizations that only seem to enable these issues; we have a different approach. The program we’ve developed allows individuals to start fresh with a new perspective of themselves and life itself. It takes time, money and the willingness to accept the terms of the program for the individual to recover. We can’t force anyone to change, but if they would like to have the opportunity to turn their lives around, we have a solution.
Understanding the Program
The program is a complex machine with many moving parts that include mental and physical health care. We offer education, training programs and community connection with support to give one purpose and hope so that they can recover.
Unlike other programs, Recycled Souls will be transparent from the beginning with defined goals and expectations. We will be making all of our materials, business plan and program information available on our website as they are completed. Our hope is that others will adopt these practices and form their own organizations in their localities so that they can work to address these serious issues in their city and state.
We are open to feedback from these communities in hopes that we can fine tune the program to make it the best solution for the whole. We pray that it is adopted nation wide in every city where these challenges exist in hopes to bring an end to the cardboard sign delimma.
When will these documents be available?
Once we have finalized the complexities that have to be defined and have the program launched we will make the documents available for download and review. We are currently working on various facets of the organization and developing the structure, format, licensing and various programs.
We are funded through private funds, public donations and will be applying for various state and federal grants.
All documents will be available for download to be updated respectively for your location, organization requirements and named individuals that you choose to use for your organization and program.
Due to H.I.P.A.A regulations and other variables we cannot disclose the individuals in the program and we reserve the right to not include the names of individuals who oversee the program.